These book stores will be: Mcleods Booksellers, Take Note, Books Alive, Idle Hour Book Inn, and Ngongotaha Books all have window and/or in-store displays featuring N Z and Rotorua authors. (More details in a following post.)
The Rotorua Library's programme of events throughout
March will include a focus on local authors.
Saturday 9th March:
Rotorua’s Write Up Here in 2013 – QuickWrite Writers’ Forum, City Focus, 10am -12.30pm
Saturday 16th March:
Take Note will be featuring a Festival of Children's Books by NZ, maybe local, authors,
Thursday 21st March:
Books ‘n’ Baths at Queen Elizabeth Hospital. 4.30pm – 7pm.
Saturday 23rd March:
Jenny Argante’s Memoir Writing Workshop, hosted by Rotorua Writers Group.
At RAVE. Pre-bookings essential.
Exact dates/times not known at time of writing, but for Rotorua Write Up Here 2K13, the Rotorua Library is planning ...
* Children's
department holds a competition featuring NZ authors
* A
crossword competition of NZ authors with the prize being a selected book
* Displays
to do with NZ books and authors –
possibly including screenings of Rotorua interviews on DVDs by Kerry Fowler
possibly including screenings of Rotorua interviews on DVDs by Kerry Fowler
* Library-Live
sessions in March: Detailed in a separate Post.
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