Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Rotorua Library's events and activities in March

Rotorua’s WriteUp Here in 2013 – at the library

*          Children's department holds a competition featuring NZ authors

*          A crossword competition of NZ authors with the prize being a selected book

*          Library-Live sessions in March:

Thursday 7th, 10am - 12noon: Robyn Sparrow, bookbinder

       "                  pm - 2pm: 100 Words! A fun writing workshop with author Tina Shaw at the launch of the (6th edition) of the Bateman New Zealand Writer's Handbook.
Following Tina’s workshop which will focus
on conveying to participants the concept of ‘structure’, participants will be encouraged to join the QuickWrite Writers’ Forum on Saturday March 9 to hone the skills they’ve learned from Tina.

Wednesday 13th, 4.30pm: Getting published - find out at this free event how you can get an idea from manuscript to print. Mike Smith from Business Media Services will host this event with input from four local, published authors.

Thursday 14th, 10am - 12noon: Robyn Sparrow, bookbinder

Wednesday 20th, 4.00pm: A Ka Pai Time with Aunty Bea. Gold coin entry - there'll be waiata, pakiwatara and loads of ka pai fun.

Tuesday 26th, 10am - 12noon, Mary Longson from Literacy Rotorua

Thursday 28th, 10am - 12noon. Robyn Sparrow, bookbinder